Deep Soul Hearth
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Come! Sisters, mothers, grandmothers, daughters, come to be nourished, held, and inspired by the community and wisdom of this Divine Sisterhood! Come to rest your body on this land, bathe in its waters, dance and sing with the fire, and listen to the trees. Let us learn from one another, let us listen and share, and through this multi-generational collection of life experience, let us pass on the wisdom and gift it to our children. Let us move together, diving deep into the layers and wilderness of the soul, let us explore vulnerable territory while being held in light, let us dive deep into the richness of infinite love, expansion, and brilliance! Journeying into the deep soul, let us connect to all things that bring us expansion, presence, knowing, and remembrance. Unlock the soul to infinite potential, tap into joy and inspiration, create momentum through this experience and allow it’s teachings to become our new lifestyle Norm. Share respect and reverence for Earth and all of our teachers along the way. Feel the celebration of wisdom expand throughout the layers of the universe so that all the beings of past, present, future resonate together to this beat! Look forward to dance and play, journeying through breath, movement, and sound, plant wisdom teachings, women's generational share circles, self love through bodywork, sacred fire and messages from the stars, crafting, singing songs from elder to child and child to elder...Please bring Your Spirit!

~ Our 3rd Annual Retreat Returns September 2020 ~
